

For the past couple of months, I have been following online tutorials for Figma. To further practice using Figma and improve my designing skills, I decided to embark on a mini prototyping project called Petto.

The idea for Petto started when I got two cats in 2020. Several months before bringing my cats home, I had to research how to cat-proof my apartment. Cats love to nibble and chew all sorts of things and it was important to keep toxic plants or household supplies out of their reach. The purpose of Petto is to inform pet owners if a plant or household product could pose a potential threat to their pets.

Design Process

To keep the project simple, I decided on the app should only contain two main features:

1. Search functionality

2. Detail page

I constructed a low-fidelity sketch to envision the concept and how the general design should look. After getting a rough idea of Petto’s design, I started constructing the high-fidelity prototype using Figma.

While it was a mini project, I had my prototype reviewed by friends who were pet owners. The prototype had been iterated several times to improve the design.

View interactive prototype here.


The process of designing Petto was rewarding as I got to see my improvement from using Figma. While far from advanced in terms of design principles, the project has only motivated me to keep learning and practicing.

If I had the time and opportunity to develop the app, I would love to conduct some user research to further improve the design. I would also explore the implementation of image-recognition for plants. I believe it will enhance the user experience as users would be able to find info on plants which names they might not know.


ASPCA Poisonous Plants List
ASPCA Poisonous Household Items
Icons from